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[迅雷云盘] [美劇]《霍根英雄》Hogan's Heroes.1965.Season2.DVDRip [第二季30集全]

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原  名:Hogan's Heroes 1965
譯      名:霍根英雄
年  代:1965
國  家:美國
類  別:喜劇/戰爭
語  言:英語
字  幕:英/繁/簡(外掛)
IMDB評分:7.9/10 (2,253 votes)

簡  介:二戰期間德國戰俘集中營的戰俘們在他們的守衛鼻子底下進行間諜和破壞活動。


Season 2 (1966)
01:Hogan Gives a Birthday Party - 1966.9.16
02:The Schultz Brigade - 1966.9.23
03:Diamonds in the Rough - 1966.9.30
04:Operation Briefcase - 1966.10.7
05:The Battle of Stalag 13 - 1966.10.14
06:The Rise and Fall of Sergeant Schultz - 1966.10.21
07:Hogan Springs - 1966.10.28
08:A Klink, a Bomb and a Short Fuse - 1966.11.4
09:Tanks for the Memory - 1966.11.11
10:A Tiger Hunt in Paris: Part 1 - 1966.11.18
11:A Tiger Hunt in Paris: Part 2 - 1966.11.25
12:Will the Real Adolf Please Stand Up? - 1966.12.2
13:Don't Forget to Write - 1966.12.9
14:Klink's Rocket - 1966.12.16
15:Information Please - 1966.12.23
16:Art for Hogan's Sake - 1966.12.30
17:The General Swap - 1967.1.6
18:The Great Brinksmeyer Robbery - 1967.1.13
19:Praise the Fuhrer and Pass the Ammunition - 1967.1.20
20:Hogan and the Lady Doctor - 1967.1.27
21:The Swing Shift - 1967.2.3
22:Heil Klink - 1967.2.10
23:Everyone Has a Brother-in-Law - 1967.2.17
24:Killer Klink - 1967.2.24
25:Reverend Kommandant Klink - 1967.3.3
26:The Most Escape-Proof Camp I've Ever Escaped From - 1967.3.10
27:The Tower - 1967.3.17
28:Colonel Klink's Secret Weapon - 1967.3.24
29:The Top Secret Top Coat - 1967.3.31
30:The Reluctant Target - 1967.4.1



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